HTML Format Tags

What are the Format Tags of HTML?

Format tags are certain tags that are used to format text in HTML. These tags include <font>, <b>, <i>, <u>, <header>, <center>, <br>, and <p>.


The font tag takes three main attributes of text and applies them to the text you want to format. The main attributes are shown below:

  • size: the size of the text; ranges from 0-6
  • face: the type of font the text is in; examples include “Times New Roman” and “Calibri”
  • color: the color that the text is in; can be specified by color name or the six-character color code

Below are two examples of how the attributes can all be used to format text:

HTML Code:

<font size=2 face=Calibri Body color=blue>This text has been formatted</font>

This text has been formatted


HTML Code:

<font size=6 face=Times New Roman color=red>This text has been formatted</font>

This text has been formatted

<B>, <U>, and <I> Tags
The <b> tag bolds text inside the tag. The <b> tag is used as shown below.

HTML Code:

<b> This text is in bold format </b>

This text is in bold format
The <u> tag underlines text inside the tag. The <u> tag is used as shown below.

HTML Code:

<u> This text is underlined </u>


This text is underlined


The  <i> tag is used to italicize text. It is used as shown below.

HTML Code:

<i> This text is italicized </i>


This text is italicized


<P> Tag

The paragraph tag allows you to write paragraphs on html. <p> indicates a new paragraph. The <p> tag is used as shown below.

HTML Code:

<p>Chemistry is used by many scientists. Experiments are part of Chemistry. Scientists have used Chemistry to try to learn more about metals, alloys, gasses, or liquids. They have discovered many formulas using Chemistry. Some formulas could be dangerous, while others can be quite harmless.</p>


Chemistry is used by many scientists. Experiments are part of Chemistry. Scientists have used Chemistry to try to learn more about metals, alloys, gasses, or liquids. They have discovered many formulas using Chemistry. Some formulas could be dangerous, while others can be quite harmless.


<Center> Tag

The <center> tag centers text inside it. The <center> tag is used as shown below.

HTML Code:

<center> This text is centered </centered>


This text is centered

Header Tags

Finally, the header tags allow emphasis or importance on certain text. The header tags range from <h1> to <h6>, with header 1 making the text largest. The header tags are used as shown below:

HTML Code:

<h1> This text is in header 1 format</h1>

<h2> This text is in header 2 format</h2>

<h3> This text is in header 3 format</h3>

<h4> This text is in header 4 format</h4>

<h5> This text is in header 5 format</h5>

<h6> This text is in header 6 format</h6>


This text is in header 1 format

This text is in header 2 format

This text is in header 3 format

This text is in header 4 format

This text is in header 5 format
This text is in header 6 format

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