Different Parts of a Flower

What is a Flower?

A flower is the part of a plant that holds the seed. It is essential in the reproduction of a plant.

The Parts of a Flower

A flower consists of different components that each have a part to play in the reproduction of a plant.

Stamen ( Male )

This is the part of the flower that produces pollen. The stamen is made up of the anther and the filament. The anther is where the pollen is made and stored,and the filament holds up the anther.

Pistol ( Female )

The pistol is made up of the stigma, style, ovary, and ovule. This is the female part of the plant.


This is the part of the pistol that receives the pollen grain transferred by the pollinator.


The style is the long stalk part of the pistol that supports the stigma. When the tube grows out of the germinated pollen grain, it grows through the style and into the ovary.


The ovary is the part of the pistol that holds the seed.

Other parts of a Flower


Colorful petals attract pollinators to a flower so that pollination can happen.


This is the leafy part of a flower that protects the bud before it blooms.

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