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What is Hematite?

Hematite is the mineral form of iron(III) oxide, which is one of the types of iron oxides(chemical compounds of iron and oxygen). Hematite can be black, silver-grey, brown, reddish-brown, or red. It’s streak is rust red. It’s luster can be metallic, sub-metallic, or dull. It has a chemical formula of Fe²O³, and a hardness of 5-6 on the mohs hardness scale(can be scratched by a glass plate or steel file).

Hematite has a trigonal crystal system, which means that the length of the sides and angles of the crystal are equal; but the shape of the crystal is difficult to see. It is further classified into the rhombohedral lattice system. This is one of the seven lattice systems. Crystals in the rhombohedral lattice system are always in the trigonal crystal system, but crystals in the trigonal crystal system do not have to be in the rhombohedral lattice system. Crystals in the rhombohedral lattice system have sides and angles of the same length, with no right angles.

Where is Hematite Found?

Hematite’s ore is iron; this means it is found in the rock, iron. It can also form in other igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks. Hematite forms from water, and is usually found in places near water or hot springs. Hematite can also form without water, however. Hematite can form because of volcanic activity.

What is Hematite Made of?

Hematite is a type of iron oxide(a mix of iron and oxygen), which means it consists of iron(2 molecules), and oxygen(3 molecules).

Hematite on Mars

NASA has discovered that hematite is one of the most common minerals on Mars. The abundance of hematite is what gave Mars its reddish-brown color and nickname, the ” Red Planet”.

Uses of Hematite

Hematite is the most mined ore of iron because of its abundance.

Hematite is used as a pigment of fine powder in paints and cosmetics. Ancient cave paintings were made with hematite pigment. Hematite pigments are red or reddish-brown, and could be mixed with white pigment to produce different shades of pink.

Hematite is also used as a gemstone, although it is only a minor one. Hematite is used in making beads, small sculptures, tumbled stones, and other things. Hematite is used for many other purposes. Because of its density, it can block x-rays, and is used for radiation shielding around medical equipment and devices. Hematite is also used to produce coal, and is used as a compound to polish metals such as brass.