The Moon’s Relationship with the Earth

The Moon

The moon has no atmosphere like Earth does. It doesn’t have wind, weather, or sunlight either. The temperatures that reach a high of 250 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of -451 degrees Fahrenheit also make it difficult for astronauts to explore there. This is why they need special suits to land on the moon.

What Causes Eclipses ?

Eclipses occur when one object moves in front of another object.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth moves in between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the moon.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves in between the Sun and the Earth, casting a shadow on the Earth.


Tides on Earth are caused because of the Moon’s gravitational pull. When the gravitational pull is stronger, there are higher tides. When it is weaker, there are lower tides.

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